Our expert lawyers provide one-stop-shop and tailor-made service in Press and Media Law in accordance with the special needs of the sector in which you operate. Our law firm offers legal support to its clients on the compliance of printed, visual and internet broadcasting activities with the legal regulations, pre-determination and prevention of legal disputes in this field as well as dispute resolution. In this context, we also follow up any administrative, legal and criminal legal proceedings initiated against the contents violating personal rights and criminal contents.
In this context, our law firm provides legal services such as:
- National and international broadcasting rights
- Mergers in the press and media sector
- Data privacy and protection of personal data
- Developing and launching of applications (apps)
- Sponsorship and advertising agreements
- Representation before administrative authorities such as Information Technologies and Communication Authority (BTK), Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK), Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) and Advertising Board
- Making any necessary applications for the use of the right to controvert and rebut in the event that the printed, visual or internet broadcast causes any damage or loss of rights on our clients.
- Lawsuits for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages arising out of the contents violating personal rights
- Follow up of any necessary administrative, legal and criminal proceedings against copyright and trademark infringement on the internet
- Applications for blocking of access before Information Technologies and Communication Authority (BTK)
- Follow-up of any prosecutor’s investigations and criminal cases in terms of Cyber-Crimes and crimes that may constitute calumniation and insult according to legal regulations